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what happens to your data?


If we have to explain our privacy principles in one line, it is "Your Data, Your Ownership". Kniru has been built up from the ground up to support this principle. Keep reading to learn more about how this principle takes form at Kniru.

As the financial advisor for our users, we receive access to our users' financial data. We make it our topmost priority to respect this trust and privilege that we were given and we protect that trust with our lives. 

To ensure the highest levels of privacy for our customers, we have embraced the Account Aggregator framework to access our users' data. Under the AA framework, our users decide the specific levels of access that we receive including the particular bank accounts, the time range for each of those accounts, and the frequency of data access.

Users can easily revoke or restrict access to any of their accounts in the "Connected Accounts" section of the Kniru app.

To take this one step further, users can also request the deletion of all past financial data that was given to us and we will remove all their past data from our databases. This allows our users to give us access to all their accounts (which ensures the highest quality of insights from Kniru) with confidence and revoke any access as their requirements change.

For any privacy concerns, you can always contact us and we can help address your issues.